
PDAC 2016: Whither the flow-through share?

Some of the biggest discoveries in Canada over the last 30 years were made with the help of flow-through shares, including the Ekati diamond mine in the Northwest Territories.

Like several Canadian law firms, Stikeman Elliott LLP holds a number of seminars on mining law throughout the PDAC convention.

Stikeman’s collection of rapid-fire, “7-minute mining” seminars on Monday morning included a short presentation around the status of flow-through shares.

A company ordinarily writes off its very own business expenses. Junior exploration information mill risky ventures which are likely years from making enough money to incur corporate tax liabilities. Flow-through shares allow companies to “renounce” their business expenses to investors, who can then claim their share of those expenses as credits on their own personal income taxes. You are able to debate their merit from a trader prospective, but they have risen vast sums for Canadian exploration companies.


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