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The deadly combo of low oil prices and a high U.S. dollar

Martin Pelletier: Investors have finally caught on that collapsing oil prices and a high U.S. dollar are destabilizing not only emerging markets but those closer to home as well.

I was recently a guest panellist at Mount Royal University’s employment forum and faced a barrage of interesting questions. Particularly, one student asked our thoughts on whether the government is doing enough to assist the markets, particularly with the collapse in oil prices.

This question isn’t surprising due to the average 20 to 30 years of age hasn’t experienced the anguish in the sizable market correction, either financially or perhaps the employment market. Today’s teenagers also provide only known ultra-low rates, with stories in the double-digit rates in the 1980s sounding as being similar to stories our parents or grandparents spoke of walking miles upon miles with the snow simply to get to school.

Markets also provide understand such stability, because of continual intervention by governments centered on protecting asset valuations regardless of what. It is reached where central banks have invoked negative rates and many, such as the Bank of Japan, have resorted to really buying stocks directly through ETFs to aid their equity markets.

The problem is the higher the dimensions and amount of such interventions the higher the chance that things will go terribly wrong once the programs ended. Take phone summer of 2014 when pundits started positioning before a U.S. Fed rate hike.


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