Green health

Liberal government’s new environmental rules for pipelines to be released Wednesday

The new rules will apply to TransCanada's $15.7-billion Energy East pipeline and Kinder Morgan's $5.4-billion Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, which are both being reviewed by the NEB.

The Liberal government will announce new environmental assessment rules Wednesday afternoon for energy projects C like the Energy East and Trans Mountain pipelines C which are currently being reviewed through the National Energy Board.

Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr confirmed the timing of the announcement for that “transition” process for pipelines under review through the NEB. Carr and Environment Minister Catherine McKenna will make the announcement after a late-afternoon technical briefing for press.

“People need to know that the process is up and running and fair. And that’s what we’ll discuss,” Carr said.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Tuesday the brand new rules will factor greenhouse gas emissions, including “upstream” emissions from actual oil production, into the environmental review process.

Carr has confirmed the brand new rules will affect TransCanada’s $15.7-billion Energy East pipeline and Kinder Morgan’s $5.4-billion Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, that are both being reviewed through the NEB.


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